Intention & Coming Back to the Garden

Our intentions always travel ahead of us …


I heard this line in a song the other day and it really struck a chord …

Indeed, our intentions do always travel ahead of us.


There is nothing quite like coming together in an intentional space, a space that has been set up on a foundation of powerful intentions and it is often palpable when we step into these energetic environments.


As Rumi said ¨there is a field ….¨and indeed there is a field of endless possibilities that exists, this is what we know as the quantum field

 and this field is powerful and its potent

 and as we lay our intentions into that field in consciousness and in reverence, we begin to see the seeds of our intentions grown and blossom and we see and feel CHANGE

 and this is exactly the field we will tune into when we begin the BACK TO THE GARDEN PROGRAMME on 06 January.


These containers have been nothing short of magical for so many for the past 4 years. 


The intention is, as always, HEALING!


The intention from my side is to hold open these doors of HEALING and to offer an experience that is transformational and powerful and deep.


And I look forward to feeling your intentions layering over mine as we go through this experience together.


The programme is LIVE ONLINE, over 40-days with 4 classes each week and 3 workshops over the course of the 40 days.


Back to the garden is an invitation to vibrate your intentions, to commit to your self healing and to come together in this intentional field. 



Trish Whelan