Soul Adventures

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Full moon blessings, Goa Walk in Beauty and so much love

Full moon blessings to you
It's a big one this supermoon ...

Full of the potential of RELEASE
Today is a good day to consider what is ready to go
Remember everyone is feeling it ...

Be kind!

Thanks to everyone who has joined me thus far in 2022, I have loved it all!
This is a playlist from the SAFE TO SURRENDER retreat here last week, 5 hours of music to touch your soul ♥️

We are now fully booked for the season and looking at new dates coming soon for a New Year Retreat and I'm delighted to share news of the return to Goa in February 2023.

The Goa Soul Adventure for next year will be WALK IN BEAUTY, a week long women's only retreat 18 - 24 February. Spaces are quite limited as we opened up for early interest after my last mail to you but there are a couple of rooms still available.

Soooo excited to be back in that divine land.

The Clubhouse summer schedule LIVE ONLINE classes will be running for another month and tomorrow morning we will continue to work with the energy of this POTENT SUPERMOON ... Join me 8am - 9:15am CET / 7am - 8:15am GMT.

LOVE being online with you! Feels more and more important this tuning in, having this practice is honestly so incredibly helpful in navigating these times.

These times are like none other EVER and we are living these moments together, let's keep holding these spaces for each other.

Love you all
